Corinne Auigbelle Match History

Result Tournament
Rebecca Murray defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Corinne Auigbelle defeated Joanne Cheechoo 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Corinne Auigbelle defeated Genevieve Didier 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Lisa Mcnabb defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Corinne Auigbelle defeated Tania Barnhart 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Kathy Christiansen defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Marie Noel Naud defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Lauren Alexis defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Melanie Arcand defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Corinne Auigbelle defeated Doreen Witchekan 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Corinne Auigbelle defeated Pauline Witchekan 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Dyamelle Castilleja defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Joanne Ashton defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 CCS WESTERNS/RAID CHAMPIONSHIPS
Patty Comstock defeated Corinne Auigbelle 2019 CCS WESTERNS/RAID CHAMPIONSHIPS