Trina Blackman Match History

Result Tournament
Trina Blackman defeated Dania Helgeson 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Kelly Pendleton defeated Trina Blackman 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Rose Ramos 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Theresa Frost 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Amy Ward 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Jonella Staus 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Cara Truitt 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Sharon Yoder 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Serena Copenace defeated Trina Blackman 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Amanda Pulley defeated Trina Blackman 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Kate Autrey 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 9-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Sara Sorg 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 9-Ball
Adina Pelletier defeated Trina Blackman 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 9-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Jodi Lavan 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 9-Ball
Lan Phong defeated Trina Blackman 2019 VNEA Las Vegas 9-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Dyamelle Castilleja 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Loretta Mercredi 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Darla Paul 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Beverly Knibb 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Sharon Pahtayken defeated Trina Blackman 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Trina Blackman defeated Melanie Arcand 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball
Sharon Pahtayken defeated Trina Blackman 2019 Series #8 - Battle of the Bands (BOTB) 8-Ball